Improving socio-economic livelihoods of local communities to foster wetland restoration/regeneration and sustainable use of natural resources in Nzuguto community wetland

Improving socio-economic livelihoods of local communities to foster wetland restoration/regeneration and sustainable use of natural resources in Nzuguto community wetland

The estimated 56.6hecatres Nzuguto wetland system, is the biggest water reservoir, as well as a catchment for streams draining from Lake Mugogo and Nkugute in the south and Katsyoha-Kitomi forest reserve in the east.  Management is mandated at the local government together with host communities. Strategically located in the middle of several villages, the wetland has been subjected to threats due to unregulated access that has seen 90% of its buffer reclaimed for agriculture, afforestation, brick manufacturing; leading to vegetation loss, soil and water loss; poor water quality, hence creating an unhealthy environment unable to support the wildlife within. With grant from IUCN, funded by EU, under the BIOPAMA Action Component, Rubirizi District LG implemented a project that promoted the improvement livelihoods of the host communities, whilst enhancing natural regeneration and restoration of Nzuguto wetland through household/individual level engagement and support.