Home-grown micro-eco-sanctuaries: Where people and wildlife thrive together

Home-grown micro-eco-sanctuaries: Where people and wildlife thrive together

Communitree works with many enthusiastic volunteer gardeners across Cape Town, South Africa, to grow, plant and maintain public wildlife sanctuaries in their local parks, schools and along roadside verges. These overlooked spaces can harbour rich biodiversity and greatly enhance ecological connectivity between fragments of habitat patches hosting indigenous plants and animals that would otherwise be isolated within the urban matrix. Through the act of urban greening, Communitrees helps to transform unsightly spaces used for rubbish-dumping and drug-use into attractive spaces suitable for picnicking, dancing, fun-in-the-sun eco-education, relaxation, and socialising. Our sites form green chains linking high- and low-income neighbourhoods, while practical gardening allows for cross-community relationships to grow and bridge social divides.