Home Garden

Home Garden

  • Home gardens are usually small plots of arable land near households. These plots are typically adjacent to the home to ensure easy mobility and convenience for women. A variety of herbs and vegetables are most commonly grown in these gardens for household use, and the surplus is often sold for additional income. 

  • Such gardens host a variety of crops ranging from vegetables and spices which will provide food security, nutritional diversity, and help become self-reliant. 

  • The aim of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Bethany Society’s project IKI Biodiv as an implementing partner is to develop and enhance the community ‘s ability to adapt the various techniques common to home gardens. Efforts were made to encourage the cultivation of a wide variety of indigenous vegetables and spices to foster rich biodiversity which provided a clear understanding of the strong relations between sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation.