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Xiamen practice – a case study of integrating Nature-based Solutions in coastal city development
As a typical coastal city, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, faces serious societal challenges such as the impact of climate change, overexploitation of natural resources, and loss of biodiversity. Xiamen is implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) by strengthening ecological protection, promoting ecosystem restoration, building sponge city, supporting sustainable community development and green transformation of mines, while encouraging funding and diverse public participation. After more than 30 years of exploration and practice, the green development concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature has been integrated into areas and processes of Xiamen’s economic and social development, making Xiamen’s practice a global example of excellence in NbS and a model for sustainable development of coastal cities.
Analyse de la contribution économique des services écosystémiques des aires protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest
Ce présent ouvrage vise à déterminer la contribution économique des aires protégées et de la biodiversité dans les politiques et stratégies environnementales régionales de l’espace UEMOA-CEDEAO (Union Economique et monétaire Ouest Africaine et de la Mauritanie – Communauté économique des états de l’Afrique de l’Ouest). Pour atteindre les objectifs visés par ce travail, cet ouvrage aborde successivement le rôle de la biodiversité et des aires protégées dans l’amélioration du bien-être des communautés, l’importance de l’évaluation économique du capital naturel et des services écosystémiques et enfin les instruments d’intégration du capital naturel dans la planification et la prise de décision.
With 26 case studies from 10 multinational companies, this publication highlights their positive actions, interventions and initiatives contributing to specific conservation and restoration goals. The concrete examples illustrate a pivotal part of their work which have direct impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem on their sites and operations, focused on a variety of additional and proactive biodiversity conservation and restoration actions more commonly within the landscape and seascape. The different case studies seek to present current voluntary practices and initiatives that are above and beyond addressing the negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services onsite. While not exhaustive, these case studies seek to be illustrative of current voluntary practices and demonstrative of some of the kinds of initiatives that are currently being carried out.
Le positif pour la nature pour les entreprises
La nature (l’eau, la biodiversité, les sols et l’air/le climat) continue de décliner, ce qui a des impacts négatifs considérables sur la société. Les entreprises doivent comprendre leurs impacts sur la nature et leurs dépendances envers elle, gérer leurs risques naturels et intégrer la valeur de la nature dans leur processus décisionnel pour repérer et mettre en oeuvre les occasions contribuant à la réalisation de l’objectif mondial positif pour la nature. Fondamentalement, le positif pour la nature représente un changement systémique et transformateur plutôt qu’un « remodelage » des pratiques actuelles. Le recours à des méthodes d’établissement des priorités peut permettre aux entreprises de cibler des domaines où elles peuvent apporter une contribution importante et significative dès le début de l’adoption d’un changement systémique et transformateur au sein de l’entreprise.
Zarzadzanie ryzykiem katastrof w światowym dziedzictwie
The objectives of this manual are: to help the managers and management authorities of cultural and natural World Heritage properties to reduce the risks to these properties from natural and humanmade disasters; to illustrate the main principles of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) for heritage and a methodology to identify, assess and mitigate disaster risks; to explain how to prepare a DRM plan based on this methodology; to demonstrate that heritage can play a positive role in reducing risks from disasters; and to suggest how DRM plans for heritage properties can be integrated with national and regional disaster management strategies and plans.
Preparing World Heritage nominations : second edition (Chinese)
The manual is based on the version of the “Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention” dated August 2011 and seeks to complement it. In particular, the manual seeks to support States Parties in implementing the World Heritage Convention and to provide guidance and knowledge that will help ensure a credible World Heritage List of well-managed properties of Outstanding Universal Value. it is hoped that the manual will help States Parties to carefully consider the implications of proceeding with World Heritage nominations and take the necessary steps to ensure that the effort is worthwhile for both the conservation of the property and the well-being of local communities and other local stakeholders.
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The manual is based on the version of the “Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention” dated August 2011 and seeks to complement it. In particular, the manual seeks to support States Parties in implementing the World Heritage Convention and to provide guidance and knowledge that will help ensure a credible World Heritage List of well-managed properties of Outstanding Universal Value. it is hoped that the manual will help States Parties to carefully consider the implications of proceeding with World Heritage nominations and take the necessary steps to ensure that the effort is worthwhile for both the conservation of the property and the well-being of local communities and other local stakeholders.
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The manual is based on the version of the “Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention” dated August 2011 and seeks to complement it. In particular, the manual seeks to support States Parties in implementing the World Heritage Convention and to provide guidance and knowledge that will help ensure a credible World Heritage List of well-managed properties of Outstanding Universal Value. it is hoped that the manual will help States Parties to carefully consider the implications of proceeding with World Heritage nominations and take the necessary steps to ensure that the effort is worthwhile for both the conservation of the property and the well-being of local communities and other local stakeholders.
Erstellung von Welterbenominierungen : zweite Ausgabe
The manual is based on the version of the “Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention” dated August 2011 and seeks to complement it. In particular, the manual seeks to support States Parties in implementing the World Heritage Convention and to provide guidance and knowledge that will help ensure a credible World Heritage List of well-managed properties of Outstanding Universal Value. it is hoped that the manual will help States Parties to carefully consider the implications of proceeding with World Heritage nominations and take the necessary steps to ensure that the effort is worthwhile for both the conservation of the property and the well-being of local communities and other local stakeholders.