Establishment of strategic enforcement plan/framework for improved management effectiveness, which can be applied to other protected areas

Establishment of strategic enforcement plan/framework for improved management effectiveness, which can be applied to other protected areas

Protected areas managers are entrusted with maintaining the values of protected areas, IUCN defined some of these as: maintaining functional natural ecosystems, serving as refuges for species, maintaining ecological processes, and serving as natural recreational space. Enforcement focuses on safeguarding these values. Belize Audubon Society developed a strategic enforcement plan, which provides step-by-step guidance in developing an enforcement strategy. It is designed to support strategies that improve compliance, ultimately reducing illegal activities to minimize negative impacts on natural resources and values. The focus is not just on the ground enforcement presence, but also strengthening partnerships and collaborations to achieve effective conservation success, and identifying supporting actions – community engagement, opportunities for diversified incomes, and improving community resilience to reduce the need for illegal incursions. The manual is a framework that can be adapted by different protected area managers.