Establishment of Colchic forest protected area: from opposition to advocacy and expansion

Establishment of Colchic forest protected area: from opposition to advocacy and expansion

A significant part of Georgia’s Ajara region is covered with the globally unique colchic type of forests (relic temperate rainforest). Machakhela National Park (NP), which lies between Mtirala NP and the Turkish border,  was established in 2012 to enhance the biogeographic coverage and connectivity of this forest by adding an additional link in the chain of the 3 existing Protected Areas (PA) (Kintrishi and Mtirala in Georgia and Jamili in Turkey).


Based on a set (blocks) of integrated activities, the UNDP-supported and GEF-financed “Achara Protected Areas project” has developed a solution that has helped to convert a mainly  “paper park” into a functional PA, and changed the attitude of the local population from mistrust and opposition to now being supportive of conservation and sustainable landuse / livelihood development in the Machakhela valley.