Establishing a Mangrove Restoration Strategy in Guinea-Bissau

Establishing a Mangrove Restoration Strategy in Guinea-Bissau

In Guinea-Bissau, The Restoration Initiative (TRI) has been working to establish policies that enhance the restoration of the country’s three mangrove ecosystems. The project has used participatory territorial diagnoses to identify restoration opportunities in each of the three regions and worked to improve Guinea-Bissau’s regulatory framework for mangrove restoration. As the diagnoses work to build local capacity and define priorities for the development of natural resource laws, TRI has also focused on developing proposals for a National Mangrove Law and National Mangrove Restoration Strategy, which will fill gaps and strengthen institutions in the country’s legal, regulatory, and legislative landscape. To date, TRI’s work has resulted in a second, and likely final, draft of the National Mangrove Law, which regulates the sustainable management of the country’s mangrove ecosystems, as well as a newly drafted National Mangrove Strategy, which outlines how the law will be implemented.

TRI is a GEF-funded project