East Atlantic Flyway partnership for the conservation of tidal flat ecosystems Banc d'Arguin - Wadden Sea

East Atlantic Flyway partnership for the conservation of tidal flat ecosystems Banc d'Arguin – Wadden Sea

Europe’s Wadden Sea (DK, DE, NL) and Mauritania’s National Park Banc d´Arguin (PNBA) — two World Heritage properties linked through the migratory birds on the African Eurasian Flyway, for which they serve as important wintering and stop over areas — signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2014 to protect the migratory birds. Since, there have been bilateral visits of managers and scientists, a joint action plan and cooperation in bird monitoring. More, PNBA joint the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative, launched to strengthen waterbird conservation and monitoring along the East Atlantic flyway.