Critical stakeholders engagement: fostering community stewardship for the safeguarding of the natural and cultural heritage of Victoria Falls/Mosi-Oa-Tunya

Critical stakeholders engagement: fostering community stewardship for the safeguarding of the natural and cultural heritage of Victoria Falls/Mosi-Oa-Tunya

In 1989, the site of Mosi-Oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls was inscribed on the World Heritage list for its outstanding on-going geological processes, unique geomorphological formations, and exceptional natural beauty displayed through daytime and lunar rainbows. This is one of the world’s largest waterfall in the world. However, the site is not only important for its internationally recognized natural values, Mosi-Oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls is also a very important site for local communities in Zambia, Zimbabwe and the wider south-eastern African region, which protect the site’s spiritual and religious values it embodies.

The solution focuses on how these cultural values have been identified, mapped and how the inclusion of critical stakeholders  – in combination with awareness raising and education campaigns –  have become a change for improved management and for creating a framework for the sustainable economic development of the area, moving steps towards the a less tourism-dependent economy.