Country-Country Capacity Strengthening for Wildlife Disease Surveillance

Country-Country Capacity Strengthening for Wildlife Disease Surveillance

Under the PREDICT-2 Liberia project, a field team was trained on pathogen surveillance in wildlife, including safe and humane capture, holding, sampling, and release of animals, as well as sample cold chain, transport, and biosafety and personal protective equipment (PPE) use. This team went on to sample over 5,000 bats and several hundred rodents to increase understanding of viral circulation patterns in West Africa, including a focus on Ebola virus. In 2019, government partners in neighboring Côte d’Ivoire expressed their interest in strengthening wildlife surveillance capacity. To support development of this capacity, the PREDICT Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire teams co-led a training at the Abidjan Zoo in June 2019, with the trainers from Liberia team providing hands-on training in bat and rodent sampling.