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Développement d’une capacité régionale en comptabilité du capital naturel des zones protégées en Afrique de l’Ouest
L’Afrique de l’Ouest se caractérise par une croissance démographique rapide, une pauvreté endémique ainsi qu’une mauvaise gouvernance et une piètre gestion des ressources naturelles. Cette situation est exacerbée par les effets négatifs du changement climatique et conduit sans équivoque à l’épuisement du capital naturel ouest-africain, y compris des écosystèmes dont la population est en grande partie tributaire. La conservation et la gestion des ressources naturelles, qui sont un besoin impérieux pour le développement durable de notre planète, réclament une prise de décision éclairée en faveur d’une croissance durable et d’un développement à long terme. La Comptabilité du Capital Naturel (CCN), également connue sous le nom de comptabilité écosystémique, peut apporter une réponse à la demande d’informations fondées sur des données probantes pour l’élaboration des politiques.
Development of a regional capacity in natural capital accounting of protected areas in West Africa
West Africa is characterized by rapid population growth, endemic poverty and poor governance and management of natural resources. This situation is exacerbated by the negative effects of climate change and is unequivocally leading to the depletion of West African natural capital, including the ecosystems on which the population largely depends. Conservation and management of natural resources, which is a necessity to sustain our planet, requires well-informed decision-making towards sustainable growth and long-term development. Natural Capital Accounting (NCA), also known as ecosystem accounting, can be an answer to the request for evidence-based information for policy-making.
Categorias e critérios da EICAT da UICN : primeira edição
Como resposta a estas questões, foi desenvolvida uma classificação padronizada dos táxones exóticos, baseada na magnitude dos seus impactos ambientais. EICAT (Classificação do Impacto Ambiental de Táxones Exóticos) o trata-se de um método simples, objetivo e transparente para classificar táxones exóticos de acordo com a magnitude dos seus impactos prejudiciais para o ambiente nas áreas recetoras. Com base na evidência dos impactos causados nos táxones nativos nas áreas em que foram introduzidos, os táxones exóticos são classificados em uma de cinco categorias de impacto. Cada uma destas cinco categorias de impacto representa uma magnitude de impacto diferente, dependendo do nível de organização biológica (indivíduo, população ou comunidade) sobre a qual o impacto é exercido e da reversibilidade do mesmo.
State of West African marine protected areas 2022
The coastal zone of West Africa extends approx. 6,000 km, from Mauritania in the north, passing through the deeply indented coasts of the islands and estuaries, then the lagoon coasts and the coastal strips of the Gulf of Guinea, up to Nigeria. The small island state of the Cabo Verde Islands, volcanic and mountainous, completes this geography. These coastal areas are characterized by globally significant biodiversity. But the marine ecosystem and coastal communities face many challenges, namely illegal, unreported and/or unregulated fishing, pollution, uncontrolled coastal development, etc., which harm habitats and species. This report takes stock of the situation, while offering in-depth analyses as well as recommendations on the opportunities and challenges in terms of marine protected areas in the region.
État des aires marines protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest 2022
La zone côtière de l’Afrique de l’Ouest s’étend sur environ 6 000 km, depuis la Mauritanie au nord, en passant par les côtes rofondément découpées des îles et des estuaires, puis les côtes lagunaires et les cordons littoraux du Golfe de Guinée, jusqu’au Nigéria. Le petit État insulaire des îles du Cabo Verde, volcanique et montagneux, complète cette géographie. Ces zones côtières sont caractérisées par une biodiversité d’importance mondiale. Mais l’écosystème marin et les communautés côtières sont confrontés à de nombreux défis : pêche illégale, non déclarée et/ou non réglementée, pollution, développement côtier incontrôlé, etc., qui portent atteinte aux habitats et aux espèces. Cette publication fait un état des lieux, tout en proposant des analyses approfondies ainsi que des recommandations sur les opportunités et défis en matière d’aires marines protégées dans la région.
UICN Painel do Rio Doce
O desastre de Fundão em 2015 foi um dos maiores desastres ambientais da história do Brasil. O rompimento da barragem próxima à cidade de Mariana liberou cerca de 39 milhões de m3 de rejeitos, que percorreram 670 km até chegar ao Oceano Atlântico. Nesse trajeto, os rejeitos resultaram em 19 óbitos, devastaram ecossistemas e interromperam modos de vida e meios de subsistência de milhares de pessoas. Em apoio às atividades de restauração, a UICN instituiu o Painel do Rio Doce, um Painel Independente de Assessoria Técnica e Científica (Independent Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, ISTAP) com a missão de prestar assessoramento especializado em diversas áreas. Composto por cientistas nacionais e internacionais de renome, o Painel atuou de 2017 a 2022. Este relatório descreve o trabalho do Painel e suas influências e impactos de longo prazo.
Diretrizes para o manejo de organismos vivos confiscados
O comércio ilegal de animais silvestres aumentou dramaticamente na última década; no entanto, os esforços de fiscalização destinados a mitigar essa ameaça também o fizeram. O sucesso na aplicação da lei frequentemente envolve a apreensão e o confisco de espécies selvagens de diversos taxa de plantas, animais e fungos. Essas apreensões podem incluir partes de espécimes não vivos na forma de artefatos, alimentos ou produtos medicinais, mas, em muitos casos, envolvem indivíduos vivos. Com confiscos cada vez mais frequentes e muitas vezes um grande número de indivíduos envolvidos, é importante seguir as melhores práticas na abordagem de manejo para maximizar o papel na conservação e o bem-estar individual dessas plantas e animais. Este documento tem como objetivo fornecer orientação sobre essas melhores práticas.
Navigating cultural narratives to provide meaning to a human-wildlife conflict situation
Encompassing an area of 1067 km2 in southwestern Guinea-Bissau, the Cantanhez National Park, situated in the peninsula of Cubucaré, incorporates mangroves, forests, and savannahs, but also cultivated land. People with different cultural and religious backgrounds and ethnicity live in the national park. The national park also contains small-scale farming areas interspersed with forested areas in a dynamic landscape. Groups of chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus inhabit various patches of forests within the park. Their presence means they often lived in close proximity to the inhabitants of Cantanhez. As a result, the chimpanzees sometimes foraged on the inhabitants’ crops. Although direct interactions between chimpanzees and the inhabitants were rare, when they did occur, they could result in physical injury and death to either the inhabitants or the apes.
In 2009, a PhD student conducted research in Cantanhez National Park to explore the human-wildlife interface and the people-park interface from the perspective of the park’s inhabitants. This case study focuses on how these investigations revealed that encounters between chimpanzees and people, as described by the park’s inhabitants, generated two parallel narratives. Two narratives coexist—one attributing the actions of a chimpanzee to a person who supposedly shape-shifted into a chimpanzee, while the other attributes the chimpanzee’s actions as a response attributable to the conservationists.
Global strategy on invasive alien species
The spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is creating complex and far-reaching challenges that threaten both the natural biological riches of the earth and the well being of its citizens. Summarising key findings of the Phase I Synthesis Conference held in September 2000 in Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, this publication presents ten strategic responses that address how to mitigate the threats of IAS. Directed toward the decision-makers whose policies and practices are affecting the movement of species around the world, this strategy strives to provide a resource to increase awareness and provide policy advice.