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Building trust between rangers and communities
This is the first volume in the WCPA Good Practice Guidelines that is predominantly by rangers, for rangers. The editors worked with partners to collect good practices and stories from rangers worldwide, reflecting global experience and lessons learned. The text focuses on actions that rangers, and to a lesser extent managers, can do themselves. It does not address institutional changes that would need intervention at government level. Whilst the latter are often necessary, decisions are out of the hands of individual rangers. Nor is the guide the last word on the state of play, another global ranger survey is being carried out simultaneously with the production of these guidelines and we will continue to learn about ranger needs, strengths and challenges in the future.
Recognising territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) overlapped by protected areas
Many protected areas worldwide overlap with ‘territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities’ or ‘ICCAs’ (Indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas’). These overlapped ICCAs include conserved commons, sacred places and Indigenous and community protected areas. Appropriately recognising and respecting overlapped ICCAs in protected area governance, management and practice can strengthen conservation, affirm rights and promote equitable protected area governance. This volume identifies six approaches or pathways and provides guidance on implementing 20 good practices for appropriately recognizing, respecting and supporting overlapped ICCAs in existing, new and expanded protected areas of all governance types and management categories.
A stocktaking report on other effective area-based conservation measures in China : first edition
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) have been long recognised as an effective approach for safeguarding biodiversity at local, national and global levels. This report takes stock of the policies and practices relevant to OECMs in China. The report explores the critical role of OECMs in China’s conservation efforts, emphasising their potential contribution to the country’s commitment to Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). With well-established policies and practical evidence base in place, China is poised to embrace OECMs through both top-down and bottom-up approaches.
Supporting effective transboundary water governance
Building River Dialogue and Governance (BRIDGE) has been running since 2011 with the goal to secure sustainable development, livelihoods and peace through transboundary cooperation. This document aims at presenting a summary of the unique approach of the programme which has been built over the last almost fifteen years, taking stock of key elements of the programmes approach in support of effective water management arrangements in over twenty river and lake basins worldwide.
The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa : second edition
This second edition of The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa builds on the first edition published in 2020 and provides updates on how the region is managing and governing protected and conserved areas, effectively providing a regional update on the progress towards the achievement of Target 3 of the Global Biodiversity framework. While the first edition was published in relation to the previous global targets (in particular Aichi Target 11), this edition covers progress on the common indicators around management effectiveness and governance and expands to include additional information that corresponds to the revised target on PCAs (Target 3).
Μελέτη προστασίας Λεκάνης Απορροής Ποταμού Αώου σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της IUCN για τις προστατευόμενες περιοχές
The objective of this study is to develop a vision for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Aoos River Basin, including improving the effectiveness of management and coordination of local protected areas, and develop a roadmap for the final designation of a protected area in accordance with IUCN standards for protected area classification. Key components of the study include analyses of threats to identified environmental values in the Aoos River Basin and supporting activities for expansion or establishment of a protected area in currently unprotected portions of the Aoos River Basin.
State of West African marine protected areas 2022
The coastal zone of West Africa extends approx. 6,000 km, from Mauritania in the north, passing through the deeply indented coasts of the islands and estuaries, then the lagoon coasts and the coastal strips of the Gulf of Guinea, up to Nigeria. The small island state of the Cabo Verde Islands, volcanic and mountainous, completes this geography. These coastal areas are characterized by globally significant biodiversity. But the marine ecosystem and coastal communities face many challenges, namely illegal, unreported and/or unregulated fishing, pollution, uncontrolled coastal development, etc., which harm habitats and species. This report takes stock of the situation, while offering in-depth analyses as well as recommendations on the opportunities and challenges in terms of marine protected areas in the region.
État des aires marines protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest 2022
La zone côtière de l’Afrique de l’Ouest s’étend sur environ 6 000 km, depuis la Mauritanie au nord, en passant par les côtes rofondément découpées des îles et des estuaires, puis les côtes lagunaires et les cordons littoraux du Golfe de Guinée, jusqu’au Nigéria. Le petit État insulaire des îles du Cabo Verde, volcanique et montagneux, complète cette géographie. Ces zones côtières sont caractérisées par une biodiversité d’importance mondiale. Mais l’écosystème marin et les communautés côtières sont confrontés à de nombreux défis : pêche illégale, non déclarée et/ou non réglementée, pollution, développement côtier incontrôlé, etc., qui portent atteinte aux habitats et aux espèces. Cette publication fait un état des lieux, tout en proposant des analyses approfondies ainsi que des recommandations sur les opportunités et défis en matière d’aires marines protégées dans la région.
Using the IUCN red list criteria at the national level : a regional consultative workshop for South and Southeast Asia… : proceedings and recommendations
A regional workshop was held to develop a shared understanding of the IUCN global Red List criteria, threat categories and the process of listing species according to the threat of extinction with an emphasis on lessons learned, key constraints and priority needs. The report presents country status reports from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, plus conclusions and recommendations.