Building resilience of urban populations to climate change with ecosystem-based adaptation in Lao PDR

Building resilience of urban populations to climate change with ecosystem-based adaptation in Lao PDR

This project is building climate resilience of local communities in these cities through the implementation of an integrated approach to flood management to reduce the impacts of urban flooding and to help manage climate change‑induced floods in a long-term.


The project, executed by Laos’ Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), represents a major ‘paradigm shift’ of urban flood management in Laos, from hard infrastructure towards the integration of nature-based solutions, including the restoration of 1,500 ha of urban wetlands and streams to regulate water flow and thus reduce flood risk. Other project activities include strengthening technical capacity and knowledge management for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), developing city-level flood management strategies, and supporting the production and dissemination of information to build technical capacity for the implementation of urban EbA interventions.