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Μελέτη προστασίας Λεκάνης Απορροής Ποταμού Αώου σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της IUCN για τις προστατευόμενες περιοχές
The objective of this study is to develop a vision for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Aoos River Basin, including improving the effectiveness of management and coordination of local protected areas, and develop a roadmap for the final designation of a protected area in accordance with IUCN standards for protected area classification. Key components of the study include analyses of threats to identified environmental values in the Aoos River Basin and supporting activities for expansion or establishment of a protected area in currently unprotected portions of the Aoos River Basin.
Using the IUCN red list criteria at the national level : a regional consultative workshop for South and Southeast Asia… : proceedings and recommendations
A regional workshop was held to develop a shared understanding of the IUCN global Red List criteria, threat categories and the process of listing species according to the threat of extinction with an emphasis on lessons learned, key constraints and priority needs. The report presents country status reports from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, plus conclusions and recommendations.
Rehabilitation of degraded forest ecosystems in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam
Of significant concern to governments in Southeast Asia is the rapid and extensive deforestation and forest degradation that has occurred in the recent past and in some cases is still occurring. The purpose of this publication is to assist stakeholders in the lower Mekong countries develop and implement ecologically and socio-economically sound forest rehabilitation policies and practices. An overview and broad assessment of relevant forest policy and practices are presented, and it is hoped that discussion will be encouraged among key decision-makers about the preferred principles and criteria for guiding future forest rehabilitation programmes.
Protection study of the Aoos River Basin based on IUCN protected area standards
The objective of this study is to develop a vision for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Aoos River Basin, including improving the effectiveness of management and coordination of local protected areas, and develop a roadmap for the final designation of a protected area in accordance with IUCN standards for protected area classification. Key components of the study include analyses of threats to identified environmental values in the Aoos River Basin and supporting activities for expansion or establishment of a protected area in currently unprotected portions of the Aoos River Basin.
Gestión sostenible de la tierra en pastizales y praderas
Esta metodología para la evaluación participativa de pastizales y tierras de pastoreo (denominada PRAGA) se desarrolló a través del proyecto “Evaluación participativa de la degradación de la tierra y la gestión sostenible de la tierra en sistemas de pastizales y pastos”, financiado por el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial y ejecutado por FAO y UICN. La metodología se probó en cinco países (Burkina Faso, Kenia, Kirguistán, Níger y Uruguay) para comprobar su eficacia y valor. Se hicieron las revisiones necesarias a la metodología, basadas en las lecciones aprendidas de su aplicación. Este informe documenta las buenas prácticas de gestión de los pastizales y tierras de pastoreo como una forma de informar las decisiones sobre la gestión de los mismos; y generar conciencia sobre la importancia de las prácticas de gestión identificadas localmente. Destaca el hecho de que estas prácticas de gestión de los pastizales no coinciden necesariamente con las prácticas definidas por los científicos y ecólogos. El público objetivo de este documento de trabajo incluye a los responsables de la toma de decisiones, a los gestores de las tierras, a otros usuarios de las mismas y a los científicos.