Assessing Economic Impacts of Visitor Spending in Protected Areas of Brazil

Assessing Economic Impacts of Visitor Spending in Protected Areas of Brazil

Assessing economic impacts of tourism in protected areas (PA) provides a way for park managers of developing countries to inform stakeholders of the value of PAs in serving not just for conservation purposes, but as engines for relatively low-impact, high added-value economic growth.

An analysis of the economic impact of tourism was developed to measure visitor spending around PAs in Brazil. The study revealed the economic magnitude of an important ecosystem service provided by PAs – tourism and outdoor recreation. Visitation at PAs demonstrated to be an impactful mechanism to develop local economies and the tourism industry in Brazil as each dollar invested in management generates $7 for the economy. The initiative reinforced that economic impacts of tourism influence directly the PAs, as well as indirectly other businesses and the local communities, generating greater economic benefits for local communities that have a higher household dependency on the surrounding natural resources.