ASCOBANS Cost-benefit Analysis for Mitigation Measures in Fisheries with High Bycatch

Bycatch is a major conservation and welfare issue for cetaceans in European waters. Harbour porpoises and common dolphins are frequently reported to be bycaught in static nets (gillnets and entangling nets) and trawls. Despite European legislation to monitor and mitigate cetacean bycatch in fisheries where it has a negative impact on the conservation status of a species, bycatch still occurs at high rates in several fisheries in the ASCOBANS Agreement Area. The lack of compliance by some countries has resulted in legal challenges from the European Commission for implementation of the required measures.

There are two main parts covered in this report. The first part reviews different mitigation measures (acoustic deterrent devices, porpoise alerting devices, reflective nets, acrylic echo enhancers, lights and various technical modifications and changes to fishing practices) that have been trialled in the ASCOBANS region. The cost of implementation and pros and cons of each method are discussed in detail in the relevant sections.

The second part of the report reviews alternative fishing methods to replace static nets (i.e. gillnets and entangling nets). The cost of implementation, and pros and cons of the different gears, are discussed in depth in the relevant sections.