ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership Programme

The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is a partnership platform with the mission of halting species extinctions in Southeast Asia. In 2021 we launched the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership Programme.

Whilst the inclusion, active participation, and voice of women is linked with improved conservation outcomes, women in conservation often face gender related work place challenges. Gender bias and harassment can negatively impact confidence, erode an individual’s ability to reach their full potential, and block or hinder career advancement and entry into senior positions. We believe that tackling these challenges and empowering women conservationists in this region is critical for long-term, sustainable and successful conservation of ASAP species.

Through the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership Programme, we are providing opportunities for shared learning and knowledge with targeted training to strengthen leadership skills. The ASAP programme provides opportunities for experienced and aspiring women conservation managers and leaders. Enhanced leadership qualities can help shift organisational mindsets and question traditional hierarchical structures, and ultimately leads to more effective work and greater impact on the ground.

The programme brings together participants from across the region, and is providing opportunities for structured learning alongside peer-to-peer learning and networking, providing a support mechanism beyond the leadership programme. We also work with each individual to help champion and support their work.