Application numérique de veille nature
The Essonne Departmental Council manages natural sites with high flora and fauna stakes, several of which are developed and open to the public.
In order to guarantee a quality reception on these sites, the Department has developed, in 2017 with the start-up E Citiz, an original mobile application “Veille nature 91”.
This application, accessible from the stores (Apple, Android), can be downloaded free of charge and used by all users (Department staff, walkers, fishermen, naturalists, etc.) of the Department’s natural areas and hiking trails.
In just 3 clicks, anyone can thus report an anomaly observed on a natural site, and allow the Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels Sensibles to take note of it, almost in real time.
These observations can concern a wide variety of themes such as wild deposits and other incivilities (tags, deliberate damage, etc.), safety issues (threatening trees, dangerous equipment, maintenance faults, etc.), etc…