AEWA International Review of Hunting and Trade Legislation

The Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) specifies actions for sustainable hunting of and trade in migratory waterbirds in its legally binding Action Plan, which result in a number of requirements on hunting and trade legislation in the countries that are Party to AEWA.

This report starts with a review of international treaties and supranational organizations addressing the issues of hunting of and/ or trade in migratory waterbirds and in the context of AEWA (chapter B II). Further on it analyses the legal situation regarding hunting of and trade in migratory waterbirds in the single countries (chapter B III). Moreoever it provides a set of conclusions and recommendations concerning actions to be taken by the Parties and respective bodies of the Agreement.

For the review of international treaties and supranational organisations, the legal texts (and annexes) as well as relevant documents have been reviewed in detail and in comparison with AEWA requirements. The analysis of the situation in individual countries is primarily based on a questionnaire (and submitted legal reference texts) received from 74 % of the Focal Points in countries that are Party to AEWA and additional 27 % of the Non[1]Parties. The Compilor has moreover used openly accessible information sources such as legal and scientific databases and official websites. Information was analyzed in the light of AEWA requirements on hunting and trade legislation provided by the Agreement text and its Action Plan, and in the context of additional guiding documents such as the AEWA Conservation Guidelines, the text and guidance document of the Birds Directive as well as historical considerations, when needed. Results are presented following a regional scheme which allows a comparison of the situation in the different sub-regions (Africa/ European Union/ Eurasia (all countries outside Africa and not being member states of the EU)).