Advanced technology enhancing convectional efforts: use of drone patrols in a effective anti-poaching for loggerhead turtles

Advanced technology enhancing convectional efforts: use of drone patrols in a effective anti-poaching for loggerhead turtles

Cabo Verde is, probably, the largest nesting site in the world for Loggerhead turtles, listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List, nevertheless, many threats are compromising their survival. One of the main threats for adult turtles in Sal Island is hunting of nesting females which increased during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, foot and drone patrols were implemented within three MPA’s, and in suitable flying conditions, the accessible bays of a fourth MPA was also patrolled. These patrolled were enhanced by the purchase of more advanced drones with infra-red imaging. Local employment, targeted at nearby communities to the MPA’s, and community initiatives were also crucial as part of the solution. As a result, poaching levels were drastically reduced within all targeted MPA’s, community partnerships were strengthened and overall protection within the MPA’s was reinforced. This project was supported by the European Union and the Organisation of ACP States through the BIOPAMA Programme.