CMS has strengthened its engagement in Central Asia to conserve migratory mammals, their habitats and the vital role they play in preserving intact ecosystems. The Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI) (Resolution 11.24 (Rev.COP13)) and its associated Programme of Work were adopted by CMS Parties at the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP11) and revised at COP13 in Ghandinagar, India (February 2020). With an initiative to strengthen the conservation of Central Asian migratory mammals, CMS aims to provide a common framework to coordinate conservation activities in the region and to coherently address major threats to migratory species. It is based on activities focused on single species (including existing MOUs/Action Plans and those in development) and activities to address urgent and major threats faced by all or most of the species.

CMS provides an international policy framework to facilitate close collaboration amongst stakeholders. Priority areas for action under CMS include the removal of barriers to migration, the maintenance and restoration of transboundary ecological networks and the preservation of animal migrations in the Central Asian region as one of the last global “migration hotspots”. By developing an initiative for Central Asian mammals, the treaty is acting as a catalyst to foster collaboration between all stakeholders, with the aim of harmonizing and strengthening the implementation of CMS and its instruments targeting large mammals.