Lake Titicaca Basin : Peru and Bolivia : enhancing transboundary cooperation through technical coordination and institutional reforms

Lake Titicaca exists within a fragile high altitude ecosystem shared between Bolivia and Peru. Since 2011, BRIDGE has been working in Lake Titicaca basin taking a non-conventional approach to water diplomacy promoting better cooperation. The region has a long history of technical expertise and water resource management with a transboundary institution established in 1993 on Lake Titicaca. Over the last two decades increasing development has put pressure on politicians to address necessary reforms of national and bi-national water institutions governing the basin. Responding to these challenges, BRIDGE has played an essential role in enabling and facilitating changes through a multi-level water diplomacy programme to build good water governance capacity. The programme uses a combination of knowledge and information tools, procedural advice and technical support, capacity building and training to strengthen relations between stakeholders across local, provincial, national, and regional levels.