Applying ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction through a ridge to reef approach

This pilot project aimed to demonstrate how ecosystem-based measures could mitigate climate hazards and reduce vulnerabilities in Haiti through a ridge to reef approach. It implemented revegetation and sustainable vetiver farming to reduce risk of erosion and inland flooding, revegetation of coastal forest to buffer against storm surges and coastal flooding and created sustainable and resilient fisheries to increase local resilience; it also improved capacity and supported national advocacy.


The project undertook an Eco-DRR approach by targeting hazards (flooding, storm surges and erosion) and vulnerability (due to unsustatinable management) and increasing disaster prepardeness (e.g. early warning) to reduce disaster risk. However, these hazards are climatic hazards and impacts that are increasing due to climate change and increasing peoples vulnerability to climate change. Therefore, the ecosystem-based measures in this project undertaken are also EbA.