Combatting invasive alien species (IAS) is an issue of global importance due to their severe negative impacts on ecological systems, the economy, public health, and public welfare. Türkiye’s unique geology, geography, and climate make it a hotspot for biodiversity, both on land and in the seas that border the country on three sides. However, this rich bounty of nature faces threats from 872 different invasive species that have intruded over past decades owing to the opening of the Suez Canal, the discharge of ballast waters from ships in transit, and the impacts of climate change.
To help the country tackle this threat, the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye is implementing the “Addressing Invasive Alien Species Threats at Key Marine Biodiversity Areas” initiative in collaboration with the UNDP. The initiative is supported by US$3.3 million in funding from the GEF. The project is implemented between 19 October 2018 and 19 April 2025.