The Urban Caracal Project

The Urban Caracal Project is a research program focussed on establishing baseline information on the caracal (Caracal caracal) population of the Cape Peninsula, as well as assessing the effects of urbanization on the species and the threats to its survival in the region. 


Caracals are medium-sized wild cats native to the region and one of the last remaining large predators of the Cape Peninsula. By studying them the project hopes to get a better understanding of how urbanization may be threatening wildlife across South Africa, and other parts of the world, similarly threatened by urbanization.


The specific goals of the project are to:

  1. Establish information about the population size, health of individuals, and the distribution of caracals across the Peninsula.
  2. Evaluate the effects of urbanization on the behaviour, movement patterns, diet, and genetic health of caracals in the Peninsula.
  3. Assess threats to survival for caracals in the Peninsula and potentially beyond to other parts of South Africa.