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Assigned Target: Target 9
Actions: 9.1. Asegurar mecanismos de distribución de beneficios plenamente equitativos a través de la legislación y las regulaciones apropiadas., 9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably., 9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently., 9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation., 9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol., 9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), 9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
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